the power of AI
in the Food industry
Unleashing the power of AI in the Food industry
Understand consumer perception, identify best opportunities, predict best ingredients, help shoppers find their best match.
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What makes us different?
We leverage data to build market insights and create products that consumers want. Find your competitive advantages, improve your innovation and R&D process.
They trust us

Proven successes in cosmetics & The food industry
Book a demoThe FAiR technology advantage
Get access to millions of consumer reviews in easy to access dashboards! FAiR’s platform aggregate consumer data from various sources, including online behaviors, social media interactions, as well as your own data (ensuring privacy)
Language models
Generative AI models trained on FMCG lingo to detect preferences driving choice. We can isolate winning attributes and keywords related to your products
Our proprietary
Unique multidimensional preference mapping (with link to ingredients driving success), to predict combinations of attributes that will boost success
A wealth of consumer reviews worldwide
By leveraging AI/machine learning techniques, F.A.I.R aggregates and structures consumer reviews associated to products, extracts consumer benefit perceptions. Products are categorized along these attribute benefit dimensions while contextualizing according to the original market language to uncover trends, benefits, and key pain points that are important to consumers in the food industry.
Why us?
About us
A team of long-time AI and FMCG enthusiasts